Whew! It's hot. Like 102 degrees hot. And right now I'm sitting on our third floor, typing away at my laptop. I have to run downstairs into the AC asap!
Being summer, both Meghan and I have very busy schedules, filled with camps, visits from family, volunteering, and just chillin'. Because of this, we have decided to take a short break from blogging and will try to be up and running (at least one of us) in mid-August. Until then there may be occasional posts, but nothing is promised.
Thank you for sticking with us throughout our erratic and eccentric posts. We will be back with more in just a little while. Stay tuned!
July 6, 2010
June 16, 2010
Lemon Dill White-Bean Hummus
You know, I really enjoy raw cooking. Because if you mess something up, it usually doesn't matter too much. Whether it's a smoothie or peanut butter balls, I know I have room to have fun.
Such is the case with this lemon dill hummus. We get a ton of dill from the CSA every year, so when I saw this recipe on Rebecca's blog, I was excited. My mom often uses lemon juice and dill as a seasoning for salmon so I knew my family would enjoy the combination.
My brother's current interest being film, he has started a series called "Dangerous Neighborhood". It's fun, and we've made quite a few episodes so far. So when Meghan and her brother K came over, the boys and my sister made the film while we made the hummus. They thought the hummus was "poison". :)
The hummus was a success! My parents enjoyed it and so did all us kids. It has a strong flavor, something which I think is often missing from homemade hummus. Dill, garlic, and lemon were the main flavors and were they delicious! We drastically reduced the amount of tahini used, because we aren't huge fans of it. I thought it was just right for us, but if you like tahini, by all means use more.
It's quick, easy, only uses one dish and makes a great snack or appetizer. Absolutely wonderful! It will become a regular in our house.
Lemon Dill Hummus
Note: We made a bunch of changes. The original recipe called for wasabi powder, which we did not have. We added the olive oil. The way we made it is italics.
1 can of Eden organic chickpeas or small white beans, rinsed and lightly drained
2 tablespoons lemon juice or juice of one organic lemon
1-2 cloves garlic, coarsely chopped
1/4 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon sesame tahini
a healthy drizzle of olive oil
one quite large handful of dill from your garden, rinsed, patted dry, and coarsely chopped.
Combine all ingredients in your food processor and blend until you have a nice consistency for spreading onto flatbreads or dipping vegetables or corn chips. We had a bunch of whole beans left in ours, but that didn't bother anyone.
May 25, 2010
Korean Cuisine!

I don't have any recipe this time, but I thought I'd share with you an amazing culinary experience I had recently.
At my dad's work place, they were having this Korean dinner, so my mom, brother and I went to help with the food preparations. I'm so glad we did. It was a great opportunity to have fun and expand my culinary horizons. And boy did I do both. We were the only ones helping out.
When we got there, we met the two Korean ladies who were in charge of the cooking. They were very busy, trying to prepare enough food for about 70 people, all in the next few hours. So we were immediately put to work upon arrival. I got a few menial tasks at first, such as grating carrots or stirring them gently as they sauteed in olive oil. But then, when I was done all that, I got to help make dumplings! The stuffing for the dumplings was make out of leafy greens, pork, kimchi (a marinated, spicy, cabbage, staple in the Korean diet), carrots, noodles, and a few other things.
To make the dumplings, you take a small, disk-shaped "wrapper" (can be found at the Asian market in Philly) and put a spoon-full of the filling in the center of it. Then you dip your finger in cold water and run it all around the edge of the "wrapper". Then you fold the "wrapper" up around the filling in a special way to make the dumpling look gourmet and all, and the dumpling is ready to be boiled.
Halfway through the dumpling-making, we ran out the the wrappers. It was my mom who saved the day, suggesting that we make balls out of the stuffing, dip them in egg yolk, and roll them in bread crumbs. It took a little while for the Korean ladies to fully understand the idea, as it was unfamiliar to them, but once they did they were dipping and rolling happily as were the rest of us. Granted, they didn't come out looking like traditional dumplings, but they passed.
Next I had another small task. I helped make pasta salad. Okay, that's not what it was called, but it was certainly similar to one. It contained the most interesting noodles ever. They were called glass noodles, because they looked like long, smooth strands of glass. And they were long. I'm guessing they were about a foot and a half. These noodles were also used in the dumplings. They were mixed with the same ingredients that went into the dumpling stuffing, plus so much soy sauce I feared the dish would be saltier than one hundred pounds of McDonald's french fries. The lady kept shaking it on there.
Then there were the rice balls to make. The rice balls were made out of rice (duh) with tuna fish, carrots, and I forget what else mixed in. And they were fun to make, too. All you had to do was take a small handful of the rice mixture and shape it into a ball. Lastly, a whole kimchi was brought out and sliced. It looked like something from a sci-fi movie. Okay, that's not a very nice thing to say. I should just say it was very unusual-looking, with the reddish-orange color and all the juice oozing out. It looked a lot better in the dumplings, where I couldn't really see it. But I guess you get used to it. (I wish I had thought to snap a picture of it!)
Now all the food was ready to be served. Mom and I helped, mom serving the dumplings and myself serving the rice balls. We had vegetarian versions of everything, so when I served the rice balls, I had to ask "Vegetarian or non-vegetarian?" Surprisingly, no one commented on the unusual dumplings.
Finally everyone had been served and I could finally taste the food for myself. Was it good? You bet. In fact, it was delicious. I had everything except the plain kimchi. As for the noodles, I was surprised when they didn't turn out to be too salty. I mean, they were salty, but not unreasonably so. I was a bit disappointed that all the traditional dumplings were taken before I got a chance, but the bread-crumb ones were scrumptious. They were a little spicy due to the kimchi, but not overpowering. And one bite of the rice balls told me they were absolutely fabulous. It was a very hearty meal, requiring no more than one serving to make you comfortably full.
May 10, 2010
Mother's Day pizza
Now, let's get one thing straight. This is not going to be a "memories of mom" or "everything I've learned from my mom" type of post. There's plenty of them out there. That said, happy Mother's Day to all moms!
My mom wanted to go out for a little bit with just my dad for lunch this Mother's day. So my little brother and sister and I ate lunch, cleaned up, watched I Love Lucy, and *drumroll please* I made pizza dough for dinner.
Things went just fine until I dumped all the shaggy bits of dough and flour onto the cutting board to knead. It was soooo sticky. I could hardly even knead it. Dough was all over my hands and I was a bit worried. But I washed my hands and things got better, but I had to wrestle with it for a long time before it was smooth (and not becoming attached to me at every punch).
Into an oiled bowl it went, covered with a dish cloth because we were and are out of plastic wrap. I turned the oven back on (because the kneading had taken so long) until it was 150 degrees and then turned it off and put the dough it. That might not have been my best shot, now that I think about it.
After the 40 minutes I stuck it in the fridge as it was just 4:30 (my parents just came home right after I did this).
When it was time, I took out the dough. It had developed a nice skin all over the top. Nice. Really nice. But I divided it up and started pulling. Now let me state here and now that I had never, ever formed and baked a pizza before (I usually just make the dough and then my mom does the baking part). And she was now taking her Mother's Day semi-snooze on a chair in the living room. She was not going to be interrupted if I could help it.
Things were going pretty well until it started to rip and become a rope. And I didn't care about getting a circle. I just wanted something that resembles something between a circle, a square, and a space alien. But it wasn't happening. So I balled it up and tried again, this time with the help of a rolling pin. But then the "crusts" turned into lines across the pizza and most of the stuff in between was getting precariously paper thin. Frustrated, I finally got something that worked. Oh, and did I mention that my dad was saying things like "Looks like Wisconsin." Thanks Dad.
SO then I remembered that I could put it on parchment paper. So I had to ease the dough onto the parchment paper, which took forever. (This trick really does work though.) Finally I was ready to top.
By this time, I was going plain. I brushed a little olive oil over it, and put the sauce on. I was afraid of it getting soggy so it was seriously under-sauced. I baked it for a little more than 10 minutes (oops) and then spread the cheese on top. I really wasn't sure how much to put on, and the danger of burning myself in a 450 degree oven didn't help me think. 8 minutes later when I checked on it, I saw pools of liquid (water?). *Enter scream of anguish*. So then I hastily took it out and with Dad's help I "drained" the pizza by tilting it above a bowl. It went into the oven for about 3 more minutes (you know, to help the moisture evaporate.)
So now pizza one was done. It needed more sauce and the cheese was definitely a problem, although on the finished pizza it was fine. Is there a low moisture mozzarella out there? I used freshly grated. Or did I put too much on. Or, since the pizza was so thin in places that it BURNED, the moisture was able to collect. Enlighten me, someone?
Pizza number 2 didn't go much better. This time, after it had baked for the first 10 minutes, I put more sauce on the puffy parts (this actually worked). And we used a "cheese blend" (no, Dad, cheddar, would not be a good choice) of some fancy romano and mozzarella. We still had the burned, too thin places. Also, the dough was a bit too salty, especially in this batch.
Edible, even delicious in parts (how can homemade pizza not be), but I definitely have a long way to go. Any hints, tips, and suggestions for next time I would be greatly appreciative of. For now I leave you with my favorite pizza dough recipe, which despite all my mistakes, still makes for a wonderful pizza.
Happy Mother's Day, Mommy. I love you.
Pizza Dough
My mom found this recipe online, so I don't know who to thank. But originally it came from "The Best Recipe" by the editors of Cook's Illustrated. It makes a crisp, not doughy (if you follow the instructions) crust.
Makes 2 pizzas, enough (with no leftovers) for the 5 of us for dinner with a salad.
Especially with the sharp cheese, we've found this dough to be a bit salty. Next time I might try reducing both the salt and the sugar by a 1/2 teaspoon (below is the unaltered version). I always use regular, Red Star yeast, but the recipe calls for rapid rise. I don't know what the original recipe called for, but I'd assume you can use both. I also always use AP flour.
1 1/2 cups warm water (105-110 degrees F)
1 packet or 4 teaspoons yeast (see note)
1 tablespoon sugar (see note)
2 tablespoons olive oil
4 cups all purpose or bread flour (see note)
1 1/2 tablespoons salt (see note)
Preheat the oven to 200 degrees F then TURN OFF.
Pour the water into a small bowl. Add the yeast and sugar and mix to combine. Add the oil to the yeast mixture. Combine the salt and 3 cups of the flour in a large mixing bowl. Pour the yeast mixture into the the flour/salt and mix until combined with a sturdy wooden spoon or a spatula. Stir in the rest of the flour (1 cup) until a mass of dough forms. (I think I didn't mix it enough and that was part of the reason why it was sticky. You could even try doing part of the kneading in the bowl).
Place dough on a floured cutting board or very clean counter top and knead until smooth, about 5-7 (or a gazillion, in my case) minutes. Don't knead in too much extra flour, just enough to keep it from sticking.
Place the dough in a well (really well) oiled bowl, cover with plastic wrap and place in the oven for 40 minutes. Make sure the oven is turned off.
Preheat oven to 450 degrees F. Remove and divide the dough in half. I cannot help you from here. The dough is usually not too sticky, but if you want to move the stretched dough onto parchment paper, brush lightly with olive oil first. It won't stick as much that way if you try to fold it in half.
To bake:
1. In the 450 degree oven on top of a pizza stone, bake crust, topped only with sauce for 10 minutes. (The parchment paper makes it really easy to slice in and out of the oven.)
2. Remove crust and add toppings (including extra sauce if necessary), including cheese on top.
3. Bake another 8-10 minutes until cheese is melted.
Serve and enjoy.
May 1, 2010
Peanut-Butter Balls
Apologies for the lack of pictures. My computer for some reason is not cooperating, so that I can't upload pictures. But I'll figure out the problem and get the pictures up as soon as possible.
Peanut butter balls have a long history in my family. When I was about three, my mom found the recipe on the back of a cereal box, tried it, and the product was an instant hit. They were brought along on picnics, eaten for dessert and snack, and the recipe has been shared with many friends (I haven't met a single person who hasn't liked them). Now, whenever my brother or I are looking for a snack, my mom always says: "Make peanut-butter balls!"
Peanut butter balls, in case you are wondering, are a mixture of peanut butter, honey, cinnamon, vanilla extract, cereal, and possibly nuts shaped into balls. A few years ago, we started rolling the balls in shredded coconut to eliminate sticky fingers.
The type of cereal you use doesn't matter. You can use rice crispies, or you could use corn flakes. Right now, I use crushed Weetabix. If you decide to use nuts, I would recommend walnuts.
Most importantly, peanut butter balls are so easy and take only about ten minutes to make. As you will see below, they're as easy as 1-2-3! (excuse the cliche.)
Peanut butter balls have a long history in my family. When I was about three, my mom found the recipe on the back of a cereal box, tried it, and the product was an instant hit. They were brought along on picnics, eaten for dessert and snack, and the recipe has been shared with many friends (I haven't met a single person who hasn't liked them). Now, whenever my brother or I are looking for a snack, my mom always says: "Make peanut-butter balls!"
Peanut butter balls, in case you are wondering, are a mixture of peanut butter, honey, cinnamon, vanilla extract, cereal, and possibly nuts shaped into balls. A few years ago, we started rolling the balls in shredded coconut to eliminate sticky fingers.
The type of cereal you use doesn't matter. You can use rice crispies, or you could use corn flakes. Right now, I use crushed Weetabix. If you decide to use nuts, I would recommend walnuts.
Most importantly, peanut butter balls are so easy and take only about ten minutes to make. As you will see below, they're as easy as 1-2-3! (excuse the cliche.)
Peanut-Butter Balls
- 2 cups creamy peanut butter
- 1/4 cup honey (more or less if you like)
- 1 tsp. cinnamon
- 1 tsp. vanilla extract
- 3-5 cups crushed Weetabix (enough to make the mixture stiff enough to form balls)
- 1 cup chopped walnuts (optional)
- 1 cup shredded coconut (optional)
- Mix together all ingredients except coconut.
- Shape the mixture into balls, dipping your hands first in a small bowl of cold water to help the peanut-butter mixture hold together.
- Roll the balls in shredded coconut, if desired.
April 15, 2010
Oatmeal Raisin Bars
I'm just back from a trip to NC for a highland dance competition, so this post will be shorter than usual. Thanks for understanding! See you soon!
NOTE: My brother deleted my photos of these (by accident), so there will be no pictures in this post until I make and photograph them again.
I don't know about you, but I love cookies. However, I don't make them very often, mostly because of how long it takes. First you have to make sure the butter is soft enough, but not too soft. Then, you have to make the dough, alternating this, half of that. Then, sometimes, you have to let the dough sit in the fridge for an hour (such is the case with one of my favorite cookies). Then you have to scoop out equal sized balls and bake sheet after sheet of cookies. Is it worth it? Yes, but since neither me nor my mom have time to do that often, we were excited to try this recipe.
Oatmeal Raisin Bars. Melted butter, comes together like a quick bread, and no scooping or baking one sheet at a time. It all goes into a 8x8 pan and you're done. Beautiful.
And the taste? Well, they taste like an oatmeal raisin cookie in bar form. They're more substantial, and they don't have the lacy crunch throughout that usually characterizes the cookie version. Sweet, chewy, a slightly crunchy top, with raisins throughout. They're absolutely delicious, and perfect for those who don't have time to make the traditional version. Like me. Mmmmm.
Oatmeal Raisin Bars
From the June 2008 issue of Everyday Food. Received through Rebecca.
The sugars in this recipe are flexible. You can use raw sugar for the granulated, dark for light brown sugar, and once I made them with 3/4 cup of white and 1/4 of brown and they turned out fine. Also, I've put the instructions for the pan per the original recipe, but when I made these at my aunt's house I made them with Pam, without parchment paper. Just be sure to let it cool before cutting. I have also made a "mix" out of it -- mixing the first ingredients in a baggie without the egg and butter, and then the flour, oats, and raisins in a second.
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Butter an 8-inch square baking pan. (Both metal and glass have worked for me). Line bottom with parchment paper, leaving an overhang on two sides; butter paper.
2. In a large bowl, whisk together butter, sugars, egg, salt and cinnamon until smooth. Add in flour, oats and raisins; fold in until just combined.
3. Spread batter (for me it's more like pressing and not as much spreading) in prepared pan, and bake until toothppick inserted in center comes out with moist crumbs attached (and a light golden brown color), 25 to 30 minutes. Cool completely in pan. Using paper overhang, lift cake to work surface; cut into 16 bars. To store, keep in an airtight container at room temperature. They are best within 3 days, but I had some that lasted 5 and were fine, but they're best within that 3 day period.
NOTE: My brother deleted my photos of these (by accident), so there will be no pictures in this post until I make and photograph them again.
I don't know about you, but I love cookies. However, I don't make them very often, mostly because of how long it takes. First you have to make sure the butter is soft enough, but not too soft. Then, you have to make the dough, alternating this, half of that. Then, sometimes, you have to let the dough sit in the fridge for an hour (such is the case with one of my favorite cookies). Then you have to scoop out equal sized balls and bake sheet after sheet of cookies. Is it worth it? Yes, but since neither me nor my mom have time to do that often, we were excited to try this recipe.
Oatmeal Raisin Bars. Melted butter, comes together like a quick bread, and no scooping or baking one sheet at a time. It all goes into a 8x8 pan and you're done. Beautiful.
And the taste? Well, they taste like an oatmeal raisin cookie in bar form. They're more substantial, and they don't have the lacy crunch throughout that usually characterizes the cookie version. Sweet, chewy, a slightly crunchy top, with raisins throughout. They're absolutely delicious, and perfect for those who don't have time to make the traditional version. Like me. Mmmmm.
Oatmeal Raisin Bars
From the June 2008 issue of Everyday Food. Received through Rebecca.
The sugars in this recipe are flexible. You can use raw sugar for the granulated, dark for light brown sugar, and once I made them with 3/4 cup of white and 1/4 of brown and they turned out fine. Also, I've put the instructions for the pan per the original recipe, but when I made these at my aunt's house I made them with Pam, without parchment paper. Just be sure to let it cool before cutting. I have also made a "mix" out of it -- mixing the first ingredients in a baggie without the egg and butter, and then the flour, oats, and raisins in a second.
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Butter an 8-inch square baking pan. (Both metal and glass have worked for me). Line bottom with parchment paper, leaving an overhang on two sides; butter paper.
2. In a large bowl, whisk together butter, sugars, egg, salt and cinnamon until smooth. Add in flour, oats and raisins; fold in until just combined.
3. Spread batter (for me it's more like pressing and not as much spreading) in prepared pan, and bake until toothppick inserted in center comes out with moist crumbs attached (and a light golden brown color), 25 to 30 minutes. Cool completely in pan. Using paper overhang, lift cake to work surface; cut into 16 bars. To store, keep in an airtight container at room temperature. They are best within 3 days, but I had some that lasted 5 and were fine, but they're best within that 3 day period.
April 4, 2010
Leftover ham?
NOTE: Apologizes for the lack of pictures. I will upload them as soon as I can. Thanks! :) ~Erin
UPDATE 4/11: Here they are!
Well, Easter is nearly over and it was a good one for me. My family and I went to the Easter sunrise service and breakfast in addition to the usual service... it was a beautiful morning.
To save us all from eating pancakes twice on Easter, I decided that I would try to make our dinner. And it was an undertaking. Besides the fact that I stressed out several times, everything went very well. We had: mashed potatoes, green beans, deviled eggs, salad, dinner rolls, glazed ham, and carrot cake cupcakes for dessert. Everything was delish.
As usual, we have a lot of ham leftover. Here are some random ideas for using up ham that just came into my head:
-- in omelettes
-- with pasta and asiago cheese. (recipe below)
-- in soup.
-- in quiches
-- on sandwiches.

I don't know about you, but brie is not my favorite eating cheese -- but it's really good melted. Then it gets all buttery and the weird aftertaste goes away and it's just plain gooey yumminess! And ham and brie go really well together. Sometime I'm going to try ham and brie mac 'n' cheese, but it hasn't happened yet. In the meantime, here's a wonderful, panini-like sandwich or appetizer that celebrates one of my favorite combos. Hmmmm, I think we have one more bagel left....
(Hint: scroll down for another recipe)
Brie and Ham Sandwiches.
The amounts here are really loose, so feel free to estimate or guessimate when making.
1 bagel (mini for an appetizer), roll, bun, or 2 slices artisan bread.
Some slices of ham (not lunchmeat ham, although you could try it in the ideas above.)
Some slices of brie cheese (any intensity, although I've never tried it with the really strong stuff. Also, Trader Joe's double cream brie is amazing.)
1 teaspoon mustard, or to taste
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Split bagel or cut roll, etc in half. Spread mustard over both pieces. Arrange ham, then brie on top of bread pieces. Bake in the oven for 7-10 minutes or until brie is melted. Serve immediately. Makes one lunch serving.
Here is another recipe that I made up for a delicious, easy lunch, especially if you use leftover pasta. Ham also goes well with asiago. There are the salty, slightly sweet bites of ham, the buttery pasta, the mild creamy beans, and sprinkling of sharp cheese. My mom says it's "really good", which, for one of my creations, is a quite high rating.
Pasta with Ham, Beans, and Asiago.
Note: as with the last recipe, the measurements are estimates.
A few handfuls pasta, cooked. (enough for one serving).
1/3 cup thinly sliced or finely chopped ham (lunchmeat works fine here)
1/3 cup white beans (optional), cooked
1/4 cup grated sharp cheese -- like asiago or pecorino romano/parmesan
Several tablespoons of butter, divided, and softened a little if possible.
A pinch of fresh or dried rosemary (optional)
If using cold, cooked pasta:
Bring a few cups of cold water to boil in a frying pan with high sides. (as high as you can get -- or use a saucepan). Add the pasta and cook for 1 minute. Add beans and cook for an addition minute. Drain.
If using hot pasta, proceed from here (put the beans in the last minute of your cooking time):
Melt 1 tablespoon of butter in a hot frying pan. Add pasta, beans, ham, rosemary, and 3 pinches of cheese. Stir, adding additional butter as necessary, until everything is hot and the pasta is coated with butter (shiny -- nothing should be bare, but don't overdo it). Make sure not to fry the pasta or anything else. Serve, sprinkled with remaining cheese. Makes 1 lunch serving.
UPDATE 4/11: Here they are!
Well, Easter is nearly over and it was a good one for me. My family and I went to the Easter sunrise service and breakfast in addition to the usual service... it was a beautiful morning.
To save us all from eating pancakes twice on Easter, I decided that I would try to make our dinner. And it was an undertaking. Besides the fact that I stressed out several times, everything went very well. We had: mashed potatoes, green beans, deviled eggs, salad, dinner rolls, glazed ham, and carrot cake cupcakes for dessert. Everything was delish.
As usual, we have a lot of ham leftover. Here are some random ideas for using up ham that just came into my head:
-- in omelettes
-- with pasta and asiago cheese. (recipe below)
-- in soup.
-- in quiches
-- on sandwiches.
I don't know about you, but brie is not my favorite eating cheese -- but it's really good melted. Then it gets all buttery and the weird aftertaste goes away and it's just plain gooey yumminess! And ham and brie go really well together. Sometime I'm going to try ham and brie mac 'n' cheese, but it hasn't happened yet. In the meantime, here's a wonderful, panini-like sandwich or appetizer that celebrates one of my favorite combos. Hmmmm, I think we have one more bagel left....
(Hint: scroll down for another recipe)
Brie and Ham Sandwiches.
The amounts here are really loose, so feel free to estimate or guessimate when making.
1 bagel (mini for an appetizer), roll, bun, or 2 slices artisan bread.
Some slices of ham (not lunchmeat ham, although you could try it in the ideas above.)
Some slices of brie cheese (any intensity, although I've never tried it with the really strong stuff. Also, Trader Joe's double cream brie is amazing.)
1 teaspoon mustard, or to taste
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Split bagel or cut roll, etc in half. Spread mustard over both pieces. Arrange ham, then brie on top of bread pieces. Bake in the oven for 7-10 minutes or until brie is melted. Serve immediately. Makes one lunch serving.
Here is another recipe that I made up for a delicious, easy lunch, especially if you use leftover pasta. Ham also goes well with asiago. There are the salty, slightly sweet bites of ham, the buttery pasta, the mild creamy beans, and sprinkling of sharp cheese. My mom says it's "really good", which, for one of my creations, is a quite high rating.
Pasta with Ham, Beans, and Asiago.
Note: as with the last recipe, the measurements are estimates.
A few handfuls pasta, cooked. (enough for one serving).
1/3 cup thinly sliced or finely chopped ham (lunchmeat works fine here)
1/3 cup white beans (optional), cooked
1/4 cup grated sharp cheese -- like asiago or pecorino romano/parmesan
Several tablespoons of butter, divided, and softened a little if possible.
A pinch of fresh or dried rosemary (optional)
If using cold, cooked pasta:
Bring a few cups of cold water to boil in a frying pan with high sides. (as high as you can get -- or use a saucepan). Add the pasta and cook for 1 minute. Add beans and cook for an addition minute. Drain.
If using hot pasta, proceed from here (put the beans in the last minute of your cooking time):
Melt 1 tablespoon of butter in a hot frying pan. Add pasta, beans, ham, rosemary, and 3 pinches of cheese. Stir, adding additional butter as necessary, until everything is hot and the pasta is coated with butter (shiny -- nothing should be bare, but don't overdo it). Make sure not to fry the pasta or anything else. Serve, sprinkled with remaining cheese. Makes 1 lunch serving.
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